Summer on Lake Iseo

Summer on Lake Iseo

A summer full of surprises but above all very long!

The summer of 2021 is rich in terms of events and time! In fact it will last until late October! Let’s discover together the unmissable events of this long summer on Lake Iseo!

Events August – September 2021: summer on Lake Iseo

You enter the second part of the summer and there are many news, appointments and goodies to enjoy the well-deserved relaxation letting yourself be lulled by gourmet flavors. The background of the events of these months is extremely suggestive and we want to point out:

  • September 11, Loreto Island, Festival Onde Musicali, concert “Tribute to Claude Bolling”. An exceptional opening, north of Monte Isola. The island of Loreto hosts the trio concert in homage to the recently deceased composer and pianist Claude Bolling. For information and reservations: ;
  • Pilates at Monte Isola. The first Saturday of the month Monte Isola changes its scenery to become an open-air gym for pilates lessons surrounded by the lake waters. Booking required, cost € 15. For info and registration:;
  • Lovere, the Borgo of Lights. Until September 12 Lovere was colored with lights and images with exciting projections. A tribute to the beautiful Carla Fracci. A suggestion is also dedicated to guided tours to discover Lovere, every Sunday in August and September. Meeting at 16.00 at Piazza Tredici Martiri. Cost € 8. For information and reservations contact +39 340 3302515.

WARNING: events may change in relation to the pandemic situation. To be updated, contact the promoters of individual initiatives.

Summer on Lake Iseo: leisure and relaxation in Franciacorta and Brescia

The experiences do not stop just at the lake! If you want to enrich your holiday you can think of a trip out of town! For example you can stop in Franciacorta and Brescia where you can visit the Archaeological Park UNESCO World Heritage!

In Franciacorta then, in September (11-12 and 18-19) there is the Franciacorta Festival in Cantina. There you can visit the wineries, do outdoor activities and tours of the abbeys and surrounding villas. For more information visit the website

There are also many summer initiatives scheduled in Brescia. It starts with the outdoor cinema to close with the Festival of Flavors. For exhibitions and cultural events we recommend the Brescia Photo Festival and the two exhibitions “Archaeological Stages” (Museum of Santa Giulia) and “Dante and Napoleon” (Palazzo Tosio). And if you love adrenaline, what are you waiting for to venture among the underground of the city together with the expert guides of Brescia Underground?

For any information please contact us.